Nature Photography for Homes, Offices, Hospitals, Medical Centers and Corporate Entities

Satisfied Clients:

  • St. Joseph’s Hospital

    Highland, Illinois

    My hometown hospital has over 130 photographs on display in patient rooms, conference rooms and hallways.

  • Heritage Medical Associates

    Nashville, Tennessee

    This medical facility has a dozen images on display in examination rooms and hallways.

  • Blue Tail Medical Group

    Chesterfield, Missouri & Columbia, Missouri

    Photographs are on display in examination rooms, hallways and a waiting room at two locations.

  • Central Rubber Extrusions

    Highland, Illinois

    This company features a number of photographs in a conference room and workspaces.

  • St. Elizabeth’s Hospital

    O’ Fallon, Illinois

    Sixteen images are on display within this facility.

  • Illinois South Conference of the United Church of Christ

    Highland, Illinois

    Nature photography creates a soothing atmosphere in ISCUCC’s conference room.


I believe images of Nature refresh our minds, soothe our souls and create a positive atmosphere in any space – and many published scientific studies support this. That’s why Nature Photography decor is ideal decor for homes, offices and medical facilities where a gentle, soothing and comfortable atmosphere is desired.

We have placed many images in corporate offices, medical facilities, hospitals and too many homes to count. Here’s a small sampling of some of our projects.


  • Once I receive your inquiry, I’ll call at your convenience to discuss the project.
  • A visit to your facility can be arranged to further plan the project.
  • If you have image choices in mind, you can share those before I visit your space. I’ll arrive with those images printed on a sheet of paper. I’ll also have actual print samples for sizing. We can eyeball your space using the printed samples and actual prints to figure out what hangs where and how big the print should be.
  • If desired, a custom web page will be developed just for your project so you can share and solicit input from friends and co-workers.
  • You’ll receive a proposal outlining print choices, sizes and costs.
  • I’ll personally deliver the prints to your facility if possible, and can assist in hanging.
  • If you desire, small placards can made to describe the location where the image was captured and they can be mounted below each image.


If you decide Nature Photography is the perfect addition to your home, office, or facility, contact me by using the form below or calling 618-972-9679.

Contact Form:

2 + 5 = ?

“I go to Nature to be soothed and healed and have my senses put in order.”

“Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.”

“The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be and that God wishes to see people happy, amidst the simple beauty of nature.”